Westwind, Spring 2000 Issue

VIEW: “The Teaching Legacy”

“Remembering Those Who Died”
Westwind’s editor remembers two young men who lost their lives in Vietnam.

“A War Remembered”
In Westwind’s cover story, three medics recall their Vietnam War experiences.

“In His Service”
A pacifist during the Vietnam era, Darold Bigger is now senior chaplain of the United States Naval Reserves.

Online Exclusives
The following selections are supplements to the Westwind Spring 2000 print edition.

Letters to the Editor
Read letters about the Westwind Winter 2000 issue.

A Message for All WWC Vietnam Veterans

“Bold Venture: A History of Walla Walla College” Book Excerpt
What was happening on the WWC campus during the Vietnam era?

Vietnam War Memorial
WWC alumni Paul Beddoe and Daryl Meidinger are among the thousands of names on the Wall.

College Place Hosts Memorial Day Celebration
The town’s new VFW branch is named in honor of Daryl Meidinger.

“With Deepest Regrets”
In letters to the Meidinger family, two soldiers in Daryl Meidinger’s
platoon give their accounts of how Daryl Meidinger died.

Current issue
Spring 2000

Previous issues
Winter 2000
Spring 1999
