Westwind Online

Campus Currents Clint Ratliff's statue

“Suffer the Little Children ...”

A detailed statue of Christ carrying a little child now graces the entry of Smith Hall, home to the School of Education and Psychology. An accompanying plaque reads, “‘Suffer the little children to come unto me.’ Mark 10:44.”

Clint Ratliff, a 1995 art graduate, cast the bronze statue and presented it to the School of Education and Psychology.

Ratliff’s inspiration for the sculpture was his wife, Anthea, who envisions Christ as the center of the classroom.

To showcase the 26-inch statue, the artwork is set on a 500-pound black granite base. Alumni Pauline Koorenny, Margaret Trautwein, and Donald and Bonny Eichner contributed to the cost of the statue’s granite base. W

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