“Basic G” Nursing Class Reunion

Ramona and Jack Sturgill


Belle O’Neil was a former surgical nursing faculty member for the Portland Campus.


Jane Dorner and Pat Swisher. Pat has the longest working record of all the class members and still works the night shift in emergency.


Taffy Johnson and Pat Swisher present the “Basic G” Class Picture.


From left, Eileen Whatley, Marlene Ferguson, Taffy Johnson, and Ruth Weatherby


A spectacular day for a sternwheeler cruise on the Columbia River Gorge.


Dorothy and Mel Holm aboard the sternwheeler.


From left, Beverley Connors, Roger Dorner, June Dorner and Fern Piper pose for a picture.


“Basic G” classmates tours the Portland Rose Garden.


Marion and Galen Brown at the Portland Campus.


Fern Piper, Dorthy Naiman, Ramona Naiman, Marlene Ferguson, Margaret Englehart, and June Dorner.


“Remember when …!” Laine Lugus and Fern Piper share a heartfelt laugh.


The “Basic G” Nursing class 45th reunion

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Spring 2001

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Fall 2000
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Winter 2000
Spring 1999
