Westwind Online

Campus Currents

Faculty Recourses Receive Boost From Boeing

If a teacher uses the word “blackboard” on campus, don’t look for a piece of chalk and an eraser. Look for computer screens.

“Blackboard” classroom management software is just one of the technological tools available to faculty on campus.

Although many are taking advantage of these resources, some faculty, like many adults introduced to computers later in life, need assistance to become technologically proficient. A recent grant of $19,299 from Boeing is providing this assistance.

The Boeing Company provided a grant to Walla Walla College, and to other private colleges in the state of Washington, to train faculty in the use of technology resources currently available on campus. The gift was provided through Independent Colleges of Washington, a consortium of private colleges in the state.

Several training sessions were held at September’s faculty retreat, where classes were taught on topics including PowerPoint, Blackboard, and other software programs.W

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