Westwind Online

Who Walt Meske
Hometown College Place
Service Alumni and church programs
Year 1962 education graduate
Profession Hospital chaplain and retired teacher, principal, WWC dean of men and WWC administrator.

Anyone who knows Walt knows that he can still outwork most people. Fifteen years after he retired officially from full-time work as WWC’s vice president for student administration, he still works as a hospital chaplain and has been a school principal, workbee organizer, blood drive organizer, grief counselor, and seminar speaker. He is also in demand as a wedding minister and funeral officiant. Of all his work, he enjoyed his years as men’s dean most. “I was there at a critical time in these young men’s lives. I enjoyed helping them see the higher course in life,” he says. “I still get calls from parents worried about their kids, asking for advice, or just wanting someone to listen,” Walt says.

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