Walla Walla College Volunteers Make the Difference
The people who can always find time for progress, who can always find time to better their community, or can find time to hold out a helping hand, are the most valuable people of all.
We value our volunteers VERY MUCH. More than 400 of these special people contributed 6,700 hours of work last year to WWC. Without them, many of our activities for students and alumni just wouldn't happen. See the names of all our volunteers.
Interested in becoming one of those special WWC volunteers? I am Evelyn Bergman, Director of Volunteer Services, and I would welcome hearing from you. Most of our volunteer projects are on the campus although there are also occasional programs outside to the Walla Walla/College Place area where help is needed. See the list below for some of the programs volunteers assist with.
It has been said that Thank You is the coin of payment
for that which cannot be bought and we do often say it with real meaning!
If you would like to receive some of that special coin please
contact me at (509) 522-2053 or by e-mail at bergman@wwcis.com.
Evelyn Bergman
Marine Station construction and renovation work
Alumni Weekend events
Committee of 100
Booster Club for WWC athletic program
Concessions at games
Meal preparation for tournament weekends
Alumni Association leadership
Clerical services
International Food Fair contributions
Mass mailing preparation
Sanity Sak (student gift basket) preparation
Student birthday cake program
Student receptions
Alumni event organization
Meet a few of our WWC volunteers:
Carol and Jim Wagner
Gary Petersen
Jim Mellon
Joyce and Mel Lang
Martha and Glenn Masden
Twila Bechtel
Karl Haffner
Jonna Dybdahl and three daughters
Thor and Jan Bakland
Virginia Hoffarth
Lois Hellie
Chris Drake
Laverne Rudolph |
Marie Martin |
Marian Dressler & Barbara Vories |
Mattlee Parks |
Katherine Meckling |
Virginia Gonthier |
Ruth Joice |
Pauline Koorenny |