Campus Currents
Walla Walla College
Welcomes New Faculty
Thirteen new faculty join the Walla Walla College campus this
Vicki Burford, associate professor of social work and sociology, is teaching half-time for the master of social work program in Montana. She has a bachelors degree from the University of Iowa, a master of social work degree from Smith College, and a doctoral degree from Montana State University. She previously taught intra-communications and public relations at Montana State University.
Roy Campbell, professor of physics, most recently taught at Southwestern Adventist University. He holds a bachelors degree from Southern Missionary College (now Southern University) and a doctoral degree from Florida State University.
David Cowles, associate professor of biology, joins the faculty from a teaching position at Southwestern Adventist University. He received a bachelors degree in 1978 and a masters degree in 1981 from WWC. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of Southern California, Santa Barbara.
Gregory Dodds, instructor in history, completed his undergraduate work at WWC in 1997. He earned two masters degrees from Claremont Graduate University where he has also begun his doctoral studies. He was most recently co-editor of the online journal at Claremont Graduate University.
Paul Dybdahl, instructor in theology, received a bachelors degree from WWC in 1992 and a masters degree from Andrews University where he has also started his doctoral studies.
Robert Egbert, professor of education and psychology, recently taught at Southern Adventist Academy. He graduated with a bachelors degree from WWC in 1965. He holds two masters degrees from the University of Idaho, and doctoral degrees from Temple University and The Union Institute.
Linda Emmerson, instructor in philosophy, received a bachelors degree from WWC in 1990. She is currently working on a masters degree program in philosophy.
Shane Hinshaw, assistant professor of technology, has 16 years of experience in the field, including management of a local print shop. He received a bachelors degree from WWC in 1986.
Ginger Ketting-Weller, associate vice president for academic administration and a professor of education, received a bachelors degree from WWC in 1985. She holds a masters degree from Loma Linda University and earned her doctoral degree at Claremont Graduate University. Most recently, she was a professor of education at Pacific Union College.
Cyril Myers, Jr., instructor in music, earned a bachelors degree from Andrews University and a masters degree from Western Michigan University and has started doctoral studies at Michigan State University.
Mitch Northam, instructor in biology, earned his bachelors degree from Canadian University College. He recently completed a masters degree at WWC.
David Thomas, dean of the School of Theology and associate professor of theology, comes to WWC from the pastoral staff at the Village Church in College Place. He holds a bachelors degree from Atlantic Union College, and both masters and doctoral degrees from Andrews University.
Maria Zlateva, instructor in music, received her bachelors degree from the Academia of Music and Dance in Bulgaria. She recently earned a masters degree from the University of Nevada and has started her doctoral studies at the University of Texas. W
Front Row Roy Campbell, Linda Emmerson,
Ginger Ketting-Weller, Cyril Myers, Jr., Shane Hinshaw, Robert Egbert
Back Row Paul Dybdahl, David Cowles, Gregory Dodds, David Thomas, Mitch Northam Not Pictured Vicki Burford, Maria Zleteva
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