I Remember Mama
by John Van Druten
April 26, 1969

Mama Mary Jensen
Katrin Sunni Anibal
Papa Dwayne Hancock
Dagmar Sally Sanders
Nels Walter Hadley
Christine Roz Roemer
Uncle Chris Barry Benjamin
Additional Actors: Robin Lacey
Diane Tebelius
Phillis Andreasen
Jeanne Hall
Patti King
Ron Waggoner
Roger Gildersleeve
Greg Loewen
Nancy Smith
Nellie Wren
Adrienne Muff
Ronna Achbold
Joy Drury
Tony Trimble
Glenn Rouse
Sverre Hoyven

Director Heidi Lawson, senior speech major
Lighting/Sound Lonny Lasher
Backdrops Ralph Staley
Costumes Joy Hiten
(in cooperation with Little Theatre)
Props Ellen Tryon
Pat Revolinski

"I Remember Mama" was performed in Columbia Auditorium for the annual AGA Hour of Charm.

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last modified 01 August 02
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